Friday, 3 January 2014


So Xmas 2013 is over and now we are in 2014 must admit we had a real xmas tree - never again the twins now 10 months old pulled it down several times the heat from the house made it sag so the tree was taken down Xmas night. The boys although they are only 10 months and don't really understand Xmas yet still enjoyed it and loved all the attention :) we are also in our new house and I have a new car happy Xmas me :) 

Also Alan dressed up in a mankini
Hope you enjoyed my brief blog and hope u keep reading <3

Friday, 13 December 2013

Soap and glory sets 🎅🎄

So every Xmas boots sell soap and glory gift sets!! I get one every year and to my horror being off on maternity leave I missed getting my paws on one in store!!!! Fuming and all these greedy people walking out with over 5 each makes me sick! If it was me and I saw all these poor disappointed girls and women walking out id share me because it's so annoying. They where supposed to be £60 and where bring sold for £27 

Sunday, 13 October 2013